Landscape is self-willed. It is subject to natural dynamics such as growth and decay as well as to social influences like its various uses. It fulfills valuable ecosystem, social, cultural and infrastructural tasks for us. Landscape is extremely networked and requires long development periods. That makes it complicated for the planning process.
If landscape has so many different tasks, it can only be planned with a strategic target system. And the question is: What is the right strategy? At its core, landscape has to be designed to be sufficiently robust to give structure and identity and yielding enough to adapt to changing demands and ecologies over time.
Dealing with landscape requires knowledge and skills from different areas. Reflecting one’s own actions also plays a part. In these regards, my dissertation provides a contribution. Using the Riemer Park design process in Munich as an example, I address the communicative actions of the actors when they transfer landscape into urban space and society.
What does it mean to equip a piece of landscape with a certain expression? What effect does the shape of landscape have on social interaction? How should a negotiation process be set up so that it can match the design and social intentions and wishes?
Negotiating a design from its creation to its implementation is based on communicative actions. Politicians, administrators, scientists, designers, manufacturers and users as well as the public, represented through media representatives, agree on the design for a public landscape from the superordinate context down to the last detail.
For this purpose, the design is visualized (image, plan, model), verbalized (text, parts list) and reified (built object). That is, it is translated into various languages such as image, word and artifact. The spatial and design qualification of complex structures, such as public landscapes, is thus based on numerous and variously influenced procedures of translating. So that the contents and connections do not drift apart during translation, structured and robust translation processes are required. These, and not only the landscape architectural design, are the matters of conceptual action.
A special feature of green spaces is that they are usually not finished after their construction. They develop over time with natural growth and targeted care and thereby achieve their full functionality.
The realization of the social undertaking Riemer Park has involved and will continue to evolve over several decades. Negotiation strategies such as ‘coproduction’ and ‘relational designing’ contribute to the stabilization of landscape-oriented qualification processes.
Design and translation strategy: By the example of Riemer Park (Munich)
Seminar within the research laboratory of landscape design larep (laboratoire de recherche en projet de paysage), Ècole nationale supérieure de paysage de Versailles-Marseille (ENSP)
HEILBRONN 27 September, 2017
Developing the City out of the Landscape – Landscape Strategies in the Context of Complex Urban Processes
Urban Qualities Congress – Challenges of Interior Development, Bildungscampus Heilbronn, Germany
The lecture was held in German. Original title: Die Stadt aus der Landschaft entwickeln – Landschaftsstrategien im Kontext komplexer städtischer Prozesse
LONDON 11 September, 2017
How Does Design Get To Landscape? Translation Strategies to Qualify Large Public Landscapes
ECLAS Conference 2017, University of Greenwich, Old Royal Naval College London
KARLSRUHE 25 May, 2016
How Does Design Get to Landscape? Translation Strategies to Qualify Large Public Landscapes
Public Doctoral Lecture, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Faculty of Architecture
The lecture was held in German. Original title: Wie kommt der Entwurf zur Landschaft? Übersetzungsstrategien zur Qualifizierung großer öffentlicher Landschaften
KARLSRUHE 14 November, 2015
Riemer Park Munich – From the Airfield to Garden Artwork
Lecture Series: Urban and Landscape Design, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Faculty of Architecture
The lecture was held in German. Original title: Riemer Park München – Vom Flugfeld zum Gartenkunstwerk
Lezuo, D.; Marzelli, S.; Savaşçı, G.; Neumann, C.
The Ecosystem Services Concept as Agent in Planning Processes? On the status quo in urban rural development
In: Deppisch, S. (Ed.): Publication series Landmetamorphosis, Volume Nr. 4, HCU HafenCity Universität Hamburg, Hamburg 2020. Download here.
The text was published in German. Original title: Der Ökosystemleistungsansatz als Vermittler in Planungsprozessen? Zum Status quo in der Stadtumlandentwicklung
The Design Process Riemer Park in Munich – Strategies for the Qualification of Landscape in the City
In: Stadt+Grün, Das Gartenamt 1 | 2018, Berlin-Hannover, Germany 2018
The text was published in German. Original title: Der Entwurfsprozess Riemer Park in München – Strategien zur Qualifizierung von Landschaft in der Stadt
Waitz, C.; Quint, A.; Trenks, H.; Parodi, O.; Jäkel, A.; Lezuo, D.; Wäsche, H.:
The Urban Transition Lab as a Motor for District Development – Experiences from the Karlsruhe Experimentation Room
In: Basten, L.; Zepp, H. (Hrsg.): Reallabore als Forschungsformat nachhaltiger Stadtentwicklung, Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde 91. Band, Heft 1 | 2017, Deutsche Akademie für Landeskunde e. V., Leipzig 2017. Download here.
The text was published in German. Original title: Das Reallabor als Motor für Quartiersentwicklung – Erfahrungen aus dem Karlsruher Experimentierraum
How Does Design Get to Landscape? Translation Strategies to Qualify Large Public Landscapes – Example Riemer Park Munich
The text was published in German. Original title: Wie kommt der Entwurf zur Landschaft? Übersetzungsstrategien zur Qualifizierung großer öffentlicher Landschaften – Beispiel Riemer Park München
Impulse – Future Rhine: Natural space or urban water landscape
By: Regionale 2010 Agentur (Hrsg.): Documentation: zukunft rhein, Internationale Rheinkonferenz 2010, Cologne, Germany 2011
The text was published in German. Original title: Impuls – Zukunft Rhein: Naturraum oder urbane Wasserlandschaft